Ringlord Technologies Products


Grabs a set of disk sectors (any block-addressable device), and writes them to a file. Can be used to read arbitrary blocks of data from a hard disk, for example, regardless of partition boundaries or file systems. Has been used to recover otherwise unrecoverable data, though this is by no means a trivial process.

I've used StreamDisk to recover data from partitions that were utterly ``fried'' and could no longer be accessed with tools that needed certain disk structures to be intact.

The StreamDisk source code is small and simple enough that you can quickly verify that it won't harm your disk: you can use it to snoop around any and all of your existing disks to see what's there, or keep it around for those cases where even DiskSalv4 can't help you anymore but you're still hoping to find that precious source file that's somewhere on that disk.

Description:Grabs a set of disk sectors (any block-addressable device), and writes them to a file. Can be used to read arbitrary blocks of data from a hard disk, for example, regardless of partition boundaries or file systems. Has been used to recover otherwise unrecoverable data, though this is by no means a trivial process.
License:Free as in speech and beer
Requirements:Amiga (Kickstart 2.04+)
Download:streamdisk-11.lha (14.0KiB)

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